
Fine Art & Game, Uncategorized

My feedback for this project was :

I was looking at your card game and its rules; visually the cards are very clear, even striking, and the words are also clear and legible.

Also, I imagine that playing the game would work out quite well. So far, so carnevalistic.

However, what I’m less sure about is if this game would really act as a vehicle for pointing out and ridiculing islamophobia… I could imagine this being played by far-right people, and they would surely have a very enjoyable experience, too. Saying your prejudices out loud often just reinforces them, as sad as that is.

How about a version of the game where you would have other prejudices ridiculized as well? Gay people, Christians, women, white guys, etc. There are prejudiced opinions on all of them.


Fine Art & Game, Uncategorized

The Rules

1)      Designate the host and participants are divided into two teams

2)      Both teams must come up with a buzz sound to make if they know the answer

3)      One player from each group verses each other. The host reads out a news headline with some words omitted from the deck of cards

4)      If a player thinks they know what the missing work is they make their buzz sound and state, the word

5)      If correct, that team receives a point. If incorrect, the opponent has a chance to guess. If they too are incorrect, the next player in the first group tries again, and this cycle continues until either someone guesses the answer correctly. Or if each player has attempted and failed, the host reveals the correct answer and moves on to the next round

6)      Both next players from each team replace the current players and a new card is read out

7)      This continues until all the card are read out or one of the groups give up.

8)      Host reveals the winning group based on who received the most points.



Fine Art & Game, Uncategorized

My idea was to highlight these hate-fuelled headlines. Players have guess omitted words from news article headlines and the hope is that they feel shocked by the correct answer. As they play the game, their answer becomes more ridiculous and obviously riddled with hate and bias and through this do they become aware of the bias present in the media.islamo

It was time to get making! I started browsing Islamophobic news articles and created cards from the headlines. It was really depressing to read these unfair, twisted descriptions about my faith. I then omitted some words out of the titles and putting the correct answers at the bottom. We had to make a logo for the game and here is mine –

When printing the cards out it was so difficult to get the logo correctly position at the back, but after so many attempts I finally got it right.


Fine Art & Game, Uncategorized

The objective of the game is to throw your ninja star into the black holes and to avoid the red holes. You can push your opponents ninja star into the red hole. Each has 5 ninja stars must try and score the highest score. The black hole give you +10 points, and the red give you -5 points.
Then we had to come up with a synopsis for the game that we were going to create ourselves. I wanted to create an educational game that would provide the player with insight. My practice back at Reading focuses on my identity, and my religion is an important part of that. Previously I created an installation where I plastered Islamophobic news prints. Whist being abroad I learned how people weren’t aware of the biases in the media. I wanted to expose these in my game. Anti-muslim propaganda  (1).png